Unix / Linux Remove (Delete) OpenSSH Server

To remove or uninstall OpenSSH server in a Unix or Linux environment, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the OpenSSH service. Depending on your Unix or Linux distribution, use one of the following commands:
    systemctl stop ssh
    service ssh stop
    /etc/init.d/ssh stop
  2. Uninstall the OpenSSH server package. Again, depending on your distribution, use one of the following commands:
    yum remove openssh-server
    apt-get remove openssh-server
    apt remove openssh-server
    dnf remove openssh-server
  3. Verify that the OpenSSH server has been removed by checking if its package files and configuration files have been deleted.
  4. Consider disabling or removing any firewall rules that allow incoming SSH connections.

Note: Before removing OpenSSH, make sure to backup any important configuration files and data. Removing OpenSSH will also affect any other services or users that rely on it.

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