Ubuntu / Debian Linux: Setup An ISC DHCP Server For Your Network

To set up an ISC DHCP server on Ubuntu/Debian Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Install the ISC DHCP server package:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
  1. Configure the DHCP server:
sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
  1. Add the following configuration options to the file:
subnet <subnet_network> netmask <subnet_mask> {
range <start_ip> <end_ip>;
option routers <router_ip>;
option broadcast-address <broadcast_ip>;
option domain-name-servers <dns_server_ip>;
  1. Replace the placeholders <subnet_network>, <subnet_mask>, <start_ip>, <end_ip>, <router_ip>, <broadcast_ip>, and <dns_server_ip> with your own network configuration.
  2. Restart the DHCP server:
sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server
  1. Verify that the DHCP server is functioning properly by checking the system logs:
sudo tail /var/log/syslog

That’s it! Your ISC DHCP server is now set up and ready to serve IP addresses to clients on your network.

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