Suse Linux Change Hostname (computer name) without yast

To change the hostname on a SUSE Linux system without using yast, you can use the following terminal commands:

  1. Open a terminal or SSH into your SUSE Linux system
  2. Backup the current /etc/HOSTNAME file:
cp /etc/HOSTNAME /etc/HOSTNAME.bak
  1. Open the /etc/HOSTNAME file in a text editor:
nano /etc/HOSTNAME
  1. Change the current hostname to the desired hostname:
  1. Save and close the /etc/HOSTNAME file
  2. Update the hostname by running the following command:
hostname new-hostname
  1. Verify the change by running the following command:

This will change the hostname of your SUSE Linux system without using yast. Note that you may need to restart the system or network services for the changes to take effect.

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