SUSE 15 update installed packages for security

To update installed packages for security on SUSE 15, you can use the zypper command-line tool.

First, update the package lists by running the following command:

sudo zypper refresh

Then, to update all installed packages that have security updates available, run the following command:

sudo zypper update --type patch

If you want to update all the installed packages and not just the security patches, you can use the following command:

sudo zypper update

You can also specify a package name to update only that package:

sudo zypper update <package_name>

Additionally, you can use zypper patch instead of zypper update --type patch which will update all security patches available for the system.

It is recommended to reboot the system after the updates and before doing any sensitive operation

Note that it is a good practice to review the changes before updating and if you’re running a production system, it’s a good idea to test the updates in a development environment first.


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