Solaris / OpenSolaris Mount Windows Shared (CIFS)

To mount a Windows shared folder (CIFS) on a Solaris or OpenSolaris system, you can use the mount command. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Create a mount point for the shared folder. For example, let’s create a directory named /mnt/winshare:
    # mkdir /mnt/winshare
  2. Make sure the smbfs package is installed. If it’s not installed, you can install it using the pkgadd command:
    # pkgadd -d

    This command will download and install the OpenCSW package manager, which you can then use to install the smbfs package:

    # /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -i smbfs
  3. Mount the shared folder using the mount command. Replace SERVER with the name or IP address of the Windows server, SHARENAME with the name of the shared folder, and USERNAME and PASSWORD with your Windows username and password:
    # mount -F smbfs -o rw,username=USERNAME,password=PASSWORD //SERVER/SHARENAME /mnt/winshare
  4. Verify that the shared folder is mounted by running the df command:
    # df -h /mnt/winshare

    This command should show you the disk space usage for the shared folder.

  5. To unmount the shared folder, use the umount command:
    # umount /mnt/winshare

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