SELinux Apache Allow To Serve The Contents Of a Loopback Mounted ISO Image

To allow SELinux to serve the contents of a loopback mounted ISO image via Apache, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, mount the ISO image using the mount command. For example, if the ISO file is called example.iso and is located in the /mnt directory, you can use the following command:
    mount -o loop /mnt/example.iso /mnt/iso

    This will create a new directory called iso in the /mnt directory, which will contain the contents of the ISO image.

  2. Next, you need to set the correct SELinux context for the iso directory. You can do this using the chcon command:
    chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t /mnt/iso

    This will set the httpd_sys_content_t context for the iso directory, which will allow Apache to serve its contents.

  3. Finally, you need to allow Apache to access the iso directory. You can do this by creating a new SELinux policy module using the audit2allow command. First, you need to generate an audit log by attempting to access the iso directory using Apache:
    audit2allow -w -a

    This will generate an audit log in /var/log/audit/audit.log. Look for the avc: denied messages related to the iso directory and note the allow statements that are suggested in the log.

  4. Create a new SELinux policy module using the suggested allow statements by running the following command:
    audit2allow -a -M mypol

    This will create a new policy module called mypol.pp.

  5. Install the new policy module by running the following command:
    semodule -i mypol.pp

    This will install the new policy module and allow Apache to access the iso directory.

After completing these steps, you should be able to access the contents of the loopback mounted ISO image via Apache.

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