Rackspace Cloud Files: Upload Files Using Linux / Unix FTP Command

Rackspace Cloud Files can be accessed using FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Here are the steps to upload files using the FTP command on Linux/Unix:

  1. Install the ftp command line client if it is not already installed. You can install it using your operating system’s package manager.
  2. Connect to the Rackspace Cloud Files FTP server using the following command:
ftp ftp.clouddrive.com
  1. Log in with your Rackspace username and API key. For example:
ftp> username yourusername
ftp> password yourapi_key
  1. Once connected, you can use the cd command to navigate to the desired container, and the put command to upload files. For example:
ftp> cd container_name
ftp> put local_file remote_file
  1. When you are done uploading, use the quit command to disconnect from the FTP server.

Note: The FTP server for Rackspace Cloud Files does not support encrypted connections. It is recommended to use SFTP (Secure FTP) for secure file transfers.


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