pfSense email notification when fallback WAN connection goes down

pfSense is a free and open-source firewall software that can be configured to send email notifications when the fallback WAN connection goes down. Here are the steps to set it up:

  1. Log in to the pfSense web interface and navigate to “Services” > “SMTP”.
  2. Enter the SMTP server details, such as the server address, port, and login credentials.
  3. Navigate to “System” > “Advanced” > “Notifications”.
  4. Under the “Actions” tab, select “Add” to create a new action.
  5. Give the action a name, such as “Fallback WAN Down”.
  6. Under the “Type” section, select “Email”.
  7. Under the “To” section, enter the email address that should receive the notification.
  8. Under the “Subject” and “Body” sections, enter the subject and body of the email.
  9. Select “Save”
  10. Go to “System” > “Gateways” and set the fallback gateway.
  11. Now go to “System” > “Advanced” > “Gateway Monitoring” and set the fallback gateway to be monitored.
  12. Under the “Actions” section, select the action you created earlier “Fallback WAN Down”
  13. Click on save

Now, if the fallback WAN connection goes down, pfSense will send an email notification to the specified email address.


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