resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf must be a symlink Error and Solution

The error “resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf must be a symlink” occurs when the /etc/resolv.conf file on a Linux system is not a symbolic link, which is the expected configuration for systems using the resolvconf package. The solution to this error is to create a symbolic link for /etc/resolv.conf pointing to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf. This can be done using … Read more

HowTo: Flush Iptables Under Ubuntu Linux

You can flush the iptables rules under Ubuntu Linux using the following steps: Open a terminal window. Run the following command to flush all the iptables rules: sudo iptables -F This will remove all of the iptables rules and return the firewall to its default state, allowing all incoming and outgoing traffic. Alternatively, you can … Read more

UNIX / Linux: Deleting Multiple Files In Bulk

You can delete multiple files in bulk in Unix or Linux using the following methods: Using the rm command: rm file1 file2 file3 … For example, to delete the files file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt, you would run the following command: rm file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt Using wildcards: rm *.txt For example, to delete all .txt files … Read more

Iptables Drop IP Address

In bash, you can concatenate (combine) strings using the following methods: Using double quotes: string1=”Hello” string2=”World” result=”$string1 $string2″ echo $result # Output: Hello World Using single quotes: string1=’Hello’ string2=’World’ result=’$string1 $string2′ echo $result # Output: $string1 $string2 Using the + operator: string1=”Hello” string2=”World” result=”$string1″+”$string2″ echo $result # Output: HelloWorld In the first method, double quotes … Read more

Bash String Concatenation

You can use the iptables command to drop traffic from a specific IP address in Linux. Here’s how: Open a terminal window. Run the following command to block incoming traffic from the IP address: sudo iptables -A INPUT -s <ip_address> -j DROP Where <ip_address> is the IP address you want to block. For example, to … Read more