HowTo: Upgrade Debian Lenny to Squeeze

To upgrade a Debian system from Lenny (5.0) to Squeeze (6.0), you need to follow these steps: Update the package list: sudo apt-get update Upgrade the packages: sudo apt-get upgrade Change the sources.list file to the new version of Debian: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list Replace “lenny” with “squeeze” in all lines. Update the package list again: … Read more

Linux: rsync Copy Directories Structures Tree Only

To copy only the directory structures (without copying the files themselves) using rsync, you can use the –dirs option: rsync -a –dirs /source/ /destination/ Here, -a is used to preserve the permissions, ownership, timestamps, etc. of the directories. The –dirs option tells rsync to copy only the directories, and not their contents. For example, if … Read more

Linux / UNIX: Software Update Vs Upgrade – What’s the Difference?

In the context of Linux and UNIX operating systems, “software update” and “software upgrade” are two different concepts. A “software update” refers to the installation of new patches, bug fixes, security fixes, or other minor changes to the existing software on your system. Software updates usually address issues with stability, security, or performance, and are … Read more

Bash Infinite Loop Examples

An infinite loop in a shell script is a loop that runs continuously until it is explicitly broken or the script is terminated. Here are a few examples of how to create an infinite loop in a bash script: while true loop: #!/bin/bash while true do # commands to be executed echo “This is an … Read more