Linux uninstall package / software using the CLI

To uninstall a package or software on Linux using the command line, you can use the package manager specific to your distribution. Debian/Ubuntu: The package manager on Debian and Ubuntu distributions is apt, you can use the following command to uninstall a package: sudo apt remove <package-name> You can also use the following command to … Read more

Ansible zypper update all packages on OpenSUSE/SUSE

To update all packages on OpenSUSE/SUSE using Ansible, you can use the zypper module. Here’s an example playbook that updates all packages on a target OpenSUSE/SUSE system: – name: Update all packages on OpenSUSE/SUSE hosts: openSUSE become: yes tasks: – name: Update all packages zypper: name: ‘*’ state: latest In this example, the zypper module … Read more

CentOS 8 set up WireGuard VPN server

Setting up a WireGuard VPN server on CentOS 8 is a relatively simple process, and can be done by following these steps: First, enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository by running the command: sudo dnf install epel-release Next, install the WireGuard package by running the command: sudo dnf install wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools After … Read more

CentOS 8 Set Up OpenVPN Server In 5 Minutes

To set up an OpenVPN server on CentOS 8 in 5 minutes, you will need to have root access to your server and have the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository enabled. Install OpenVPN and Easy RSA: sudo yum install openvpn easy-rsa -y Create a directory for your OpenVPN server: sudo mkdir /etc/openvpn/server Copy … Read more

How to install Apache on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Installing Apache web server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is a simple process and can be done by following these steps: First, update the package list by running the command: sudo apt update Next, install Apache by running the command: sudo apt install apache2 After the installation is complete, Apache should automatically start and start listening … Read more

How to forcefully renew Let’s Encrypt certificate

To forcefully renew a Let’s Encrypt certificate, you will need to use the certbot command-line tool. The basic command to renew a certificate is: sudo certbot renew This command will check all installed certificates and renew them if they are about to expire. To forcefully renew a specific certificate, you can use the –force-renewal or … Read more

Debian 10 set up WireGuard VPN server

To set up a WireGuard VPN server on Debian 10, you will first need to install the WireGuard package by running the following command: sudo apt install wireguard -y Next, you will need to generate the necessary key pairs for the server and clients using the wg command: umask 077 wg genkey | tee privatekey … Read more