Curl Set User Agent Command on Linux or Unix

You can set the User-Agent header in a cURL request on Linux or Unix using the -H option. The User-Agent header is used by the server to identify the client software and version. Here is an example of how to set the User-Agent header in a cURL request: curl -H “User-Agent: MyClient/1.0” In this … Read more

How to create FreeNAS Jails with iocage

Here are the steps to create a FreeNAS jail using iocage: Install iocage: iocage is included in FreeNAS 11.3 and later versions. To verify that iocage is installed, run the following command: iocage –version Create a Jail: To create a jail, run the following command: iocage create -r 11.3-RELEASE ip4_addr=”em0|″ host_hostname=”jail1″ This will create a … Read more

How To Update Fedora Linux using terminal for latest software patches

Here are the steps to update Fedora Linux using the terminal for the latest software patches: Update Package Repositories: Before you can update Fedora, you need to update the package repositories with the latest package information. You can do this by running the following command: sudo dnf update Install Updates: After updating the package repositories, … Read more

How to install snapd on Fedora Linux system using dnf command

Here are the steps to install snapd on Fedora Linux system using the dnf command: Enable the Snapd Repository: Before you can install snapd, you need to enable the snapd repository by adding the following configuration to your /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file: [snapd] name=Snapd baseurl= enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= Replace Fedora_29 with the version of Fedora you are … Read more