nginx: Send HTTP User Agent Requests To Specific Backend Server

You can send HTTP User-Agent requests to a specific backend server in Nginx using the map directive. The map directive is used to create a lookup table that can be used to match specific conditions and take actions based on those conditions.

Here is an example of how to send HTTP User-Agent requests to a specific backend server in Nginx:

map $http_user_agent $backend_server {
default backend1;
~*Firefox backend2;

server {
listen 80;

location / {
proxy_pass http://$backend_server;

upstream backend1 {

upstream backend2 {

In this example, the map directive is used to create a lookup table named $backend_server, which maps HTTP User-Agent strings to backend servers. The default keyword is used to specify a default backend server, which will be used for all User-Agent strings that don’t match any of the other conditions.

The ~*Firefox condition matches User-Agent strings that contain the word “Firefox”, and maps them to the backend2 backend server.

In the location block, the proxy_pass directive is used to pass incoming requests to the backend server specified in the $backend_server lookup table.

Finally, the upstream blocks define the backend servers that can be used by the map directive. In this example, backend1 is defined as the IP address, and backend2 is defined as the IP address

This configuration will send HTTP User-Agent requests that contain the word “Firefox” to the backend2 backend server, and all other User-Agent requests to the backend1 backend server.

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