Nginx: Redirect Backend Traffic Based Upon Client IP Address

You can redirect backend traffic based upon the client’s IP address in Nginx by using the nginx location block and the proxy_pass directive. Here’s an example:

http {
server {
listen 80;

location / {
# Redirect client with IP address to backend server A
if ($remote_addr = "") {
proxy_pass http://backend-server-A;
# Redirect client with IP address to backend server B
if ($remote_addr = "") {
proxy_pass http://backend-server-B;
# Redirect all other clients to backend server C
proxy_pass http://backend-server-C;

In this example, if the client’s IP address is, Nginx will redirect their traffic to backend-server-A. If the client’s IP address is, Nginx will redirect their traffic to backend-server-B. All other clients will be redirected to backend-server-C.

Note that the backend-server-A, backend-server-B, and backend-server-C should be replaced with the actual hostnames or IP addresses of the backend servers. Also, make sure that the backend servers are properly configured and accessible from the Nginx server.

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