Linux / Unix: Find Hidden Directories, Files and Folders

In Linux or Unix, you can find hidden directories, files, and folders by using the ls command with the -a option, which shows all files, including hidden ones. The hidden files and directories are typically prefixed with a dot (.), so you can search for them using the following command:

ls -al

This will list all files and directories in the current directory, including hidden ones. If you want to find hidden files in a specific directory, you can specify the directory path like this:

ls -al /path/to/directory

You can also use the find command to search for hidden files and directories. For example, the following command will search for hidden files in the current directory and its subdirectories:

find . -name ".*" -type f

You can also use the grep command in combination with ls to search for specific hidden files or directories:

ls -al | grep "^\."

This will display all hidden files and directories in the current directory, and you can replace the grep pattern with a more specific search if needed.

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