Linux / Unix: Bash Shell Assign Printf Result To Variable

You can assign the result of a printf command to a variable in the bash shell by using command substitution. Command substitution allows you to execute a command and capture its output as the result of the substitution. To assign the result of a printf command to a variable, use the following syntax:

VAR=$(printf "format string" arguments)

Here, format string is a string that specifies the format of the output, and arguments are the values that are substituted into the format string.

For example, to assign the result of a printf command that formats two numbers as a string, you can use the following code:

VAR=$(printf "The sum of %d and %d is %d" 10 20 $(expr 10 + 20))

In this example, the printf command formats the string “The sum of 10 and 20 is 30”. The result of the command substitution (i.e., the output of the printf command) is assigned to the variable VAR. You can then access the contents of the variable with the $VAR syntax.

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