Linux Network Statistics Tools / Commands

There are several tools and commands in Linux that can be used to monitor and gather network statistics:

  1. ifconfig – This is a basic command that provides information about the network interfaces on a system, including IP addresses, netmasks, and the status of each interface.
  2. ip – This is a more advanced version of the ifconfig command, providing more detailed information about the network interfaces on a system, including routes, addresses, and the status of each interface.
  3. netstat – This command provides information about the status of network connections, including open sockets, network statistics, and the routing table.
  4. ss – This is a faster alternative to the netstat command, providing similar information about network connections.
  5. tcpdump – This command is used to capture and display packets on a network, providing information about the source and destination of the packets, the protocols used, and the size of the packets.
  6. ethtool – This is a command-line tool for examining and modifying the Ethernet settings on a network interface.
  7. nmap – This is a tool for network exploration, management, and security auditing, providing information about the hosts and services on a network.

These are some of the most commonly used network statistics tools and commands in Linux. Each tool provides different types of information and has its own strengths, so it’s important to understand which tool is best suited for your needs.

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