Linux Increasing The Transmit Queue Length (txqueuelen)

In Linux, the txqueuelen parameter is used to set the transmit queue length on a network interface. The transmit queue length determines the number of packets that can be queued for transmission on the network interface at any given time. By default, the txqueuelen value is set to a relatively small value, typically around 1000 packets, to prevent network congestion and packet loss.

However, there are situations where you may want to increase the txqueuelen value to improve network performance. For example, if you have a high-speed network connection or are transferring large amounts of data, you may need to increase the transmit queue length to prevent packet loss and improve network throughput.

To increase the txqueuelen parameter, you can use the following command:

sudo ip link set dev interface txqueuelen queue_length

Replace interface with the name of the network interface that you want to set the transmit queue length for, and queue_length with the desired length of the transmit queue. For example, to set the transmit queue length to 2000 packets on the eth0 network interface, you would use the following command:

sudo ip link set dev eth0 txqueuelen 2000

Note that increasing the txqueuelen value can increase memory usage and may lead to network congestion and packet loss if the value is set too high. It is recommended to test different values to find the optimal transmit queue length for your specific network configuration.

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