Linux: Find User Files

To find files owned by a specific user on Linux, you can use the find command with the -user option. Here’s an example command that finds all files in the home directory of user “username”:

find /home/username -user username

In this command, replace “username” with the actual username you want to search for. The command searches the directory “/home/username” and all its subdirectories for files owned by the user “username”.

You can also use the locate command to find files owned by a specific user. The locate command searches a database of all files on the system, so it can be faster than find for large file systems. Here’s an example command that finds all files owned by user “username” using the locate command:

locate -r "/home/username/.*" | xargs ls -l | awk '{if ($3 == "username") print}'

In this command, replace “username” with the actual username you want to search for. The locate -r command searches for all files in the directory “/home/username” and its subdirectories, and pipes the results to the ls -l command to display the file permissions and ownership. The awk command filters the output to show only files owned by the user “username”.

Note that the locate command uses a database that is updated periodically, so it may not show very recent file changes. If you want to search for very recent files, use the find command instead.

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