KVM virt-install: Install OpenBSD As Guest Operating System

Installing OpenBSD as a guest operating system on a KVM host can be done using the virt-install command line tool. Here’s a basic guide to help you get started:

  1. Download the latest OpenBSD ISO image from the OpenBSD website.
  2. Create a virtual machine configuration file using the virt-install command. The following example creates a virtual machine with 512 MB of memory and a 20 GB disk:
$ virt-install --name OpenBSD --memory 512 --disk size=20 --location /path/to/openbsd.iso --os-type bsd --os-variant openbsd6.8 --network network=default --graphics vnc
  1. Start the virtual machine using the following command:
$ virsh start OpenBSD
  1. Connect to the virtual machine using a VNC viewer. The VNC port number can be obtained using the following command:
$ virsh vncdisplay OpenBSD
  1. Install OpenBSD as you would on a physical machine, following the prompts to partition the disk, select the installation sets, and configure the network.
  2. After the installation is complete, you can log in to the OpenBSD virtual machine and configure it as needed.

Note that the specific details of the installation process, such as disk size, memory allocation, and network configuration, may vary depending on your specific KVM setup and the requirements of your OpenBSD virtual machine. Consult the OpenBSD documentation and the documentation for your KVM host for more information.

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