KVM: Start a Virtual Machine / Guest At Boot Time

To start a virtual machine using KVM at boot time, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install KVM and the required utilities, such as libvirt, virt-manager, and qemu-kvm.
  2. Create a virtual machine using virt-manager or the virsh command line utility. Make sure that the virtual machine is in the “running” state.
  3. Check the virtual machine’s XML configuration file by running virsh dumpxml <vm-name>.
  4. Find the following line in the XML configuration file:
  1. Change the value of the on_reboot tag to restart:
  1. Save the changes to the XML configuration file and exit.
  2. To enable autostart for a virtual machine, run the following command:
virsh autostart <vm-name>
  1. Verify that the virtual machine starts automatically at boot time by rebooting the host system.

Note: The exact steps may vary depending on your distribution and setup, so refer to the documentation for your specific environment for more information.

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