How to write/create a Ubuntu .iso to a bootable USB device on Linux using dd command

To write a Ubuntu .iso file to a bootable USB device on Linux using the dd command, follow these steps:

  1. Plug in the USB device.
  2. Identify the correct device name for the USB drive. You can use the lsblk command to list all available block devices.
  3. Unmount the USB device using the following command (replace /dev/sdX with the correct device name):
sudo umount /dev/sdX
  1. Write the .iso file to the USB device using the following command (replace /dev/sdX and ubuntu.iso with the correct device name and .iso file name, respectively):
sudo dd bs=4M if=ubuntu.iso of=/dev/sdX conv=fsync
  1. Once the process is complete, eject the USB device and use it to boot on another machine.


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