How To Use SSH With Password On Command Line

You can use the ssh command in the command line to connect to a remote server using a password for authentication. Here’s an example of how you can use ssh with a password:

ssh user@remote_server_ip

After running the command, you’ll be prompted for the password of the user account on the remote server. Once you’ve entered the password, you’ll be logged in to the remote server and have access to its terminal.

If you need to automate the process of logging in to a remote server using ssh and a password, you can use the expect utility. The expect utility allows you to automate interactions with the command line, including entering passwords. Here’s an example of how you can use expect to log in to a remote server using ssh and a password:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh user@remote_server_ip
expect "password:"
send "your_password\r"

In this example, the spawn command runs the ssh command, and the expect command waits for the “password:” prompt. When the prompt is displayed, the send command enters the password and the interact command allows you to interact with the remote server as if you had logged in normally using ssh.

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