How to upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS

Upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu from the command line involves the following steps:

  1. Make sure your system is up-to-date: Before you begin the upgrade process, you should ensure that your system is fully up-to-date by running the command sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade. This will update any existing packages to the latest version.
  2. Backup your data: Before upgrading, it’s important to backup your data, in case something goes wrong during the upgrade process.
  3. Install update-manager-core: To upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, you will need to install update-manager-core package by running the command sudo apt install update-manager-core.
  4. Perform the upgrade: Once you have the update-manager-core package installed, you can begin the upgrade process by running the command sudo do-release-upgrade. This command will start the upgrade process and prompt you to confirm that you want to proceed with the upgrade.
  5. Perform cleanup: After the upgrade process is completed, you can run the command sudo apt autoremove and sudo apt autoclean to clean up any unnecessary files.

Please note that this process will take some time, depending on the number of packages you have installed and your internet connection speed. It’s also recommended to reboot the system after the upgrade process is finished.

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