How To Update Samsung SSD Firmware on Linux

Updating the firmware on a Samsung SSD drive on Linux can be done using the “samsung magician” software, which is a command line tool provided by Samsung to manage and maintain their SSD drives. To update the firmware on a Samsung SSD drive, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest firmware for your specific SSD model from the Samsung website.
  2. Install the “samsung magician” software on your Linux system. On Ubuntu and Debian, you can install the software by running the command:
sudo apt-get install samsung-magician
  1. Run the following command to check the current firmware version on your SSD:
sudo samsung-magician -i /dev/sdX

where “/dev/sdX” is the device name of your SSD.

  1. Run the following command to update the firmware on your SSD:
sudo samsung-magician --firmware-update=path/to/firmware.bin /dev/sdX

where “path/to/firmware.bin” is the path to the firmware file you downloaded and “/dev/sdX” is the device name of your SSD.

  1. The firmware update process will take some time to complete, during this time the SSD will reboot and the status of the firmware update will be displayed.
  2. Once the firmware update process is complete, run the following command to check the firmware version again:
sudo samsung-magician -i /dev/sdX

It is important to note that updating the firmware on an SSD can be risky and may lead to data loss, so it is recommended to backup all important data before proceeding with the firmware update.

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