How to update Lenovo BIOS from Linux without using Windows

Updating the BIOS of a Lenovo computer from Linux can be done in several ways, depending on the specific model and the available tools provided by Lenovo. Here are a few methods that may work:

  1. Using the fwupdmgr tool: Some Lenovo systems may be compatible with the fwupdmgr tool, which is a firmware update manager for Linux that supports a wide range of hardware, including Lenovo computers. To install fwupdmgr, you will need to add the appropriate repository to your system and install the package. Once installed, you can check for available firmware updates using the following command:
    fwupdmgr get-updates

    If a BIOS update is available, you can install it using the following command:

    fwupdmgr update
  2. Using the Lenovo Linux Repository: Lenovo provides a Linux repository that includes firmware updates for some of its systems. You can add the repository to your system and install the appropriate firmware update package using the standard package manager for your distribution. For example, on Fedora, you can add the repository and install the package as follows:
    dnf config-manager --add-repo=
    dnf install lenovo-bios-update

    After installing the package, you can check for available firmware updates and install them using the appropriate command provided by the package, such as lenovo-bios-update.

  3. Using a bootable USB drive: Lenovo provides a bootable ISO image that can be used to update the BIOS on a system without using Windows. The ISO image can be burned to a USB drive and used to boot the system and update the BIOS. The specific steps for creating the bootable USB drive and updating the BIOS will depend on the specific Lenovo system and the instructions provided by Lenovo.

These are a few methods that may work for updating the BIOS of a Lenovo computer from Linux. The specific method that works for your system will depend on the available tools and firmware updates provided by Lenovo.

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