How to set up ZFS ARC size on Ubuntu/Debian Linux

To copy files remotely on Linux using scp, the basic syntax is:

scp [source file] [username]@[remote host]:[destination]

For example, to copy a file called “file.txt” from your local machine to a remote host called “” in the user’s home directory, you would use the following command:

scp file.txt

To copy files remotely on Linux using rsync, the basic syntax is:

rsync [options] [source file] [username]@[remote host]:[destination]

For example, to copy all files and directories in the local directory “/local/dir” to the remote host “” in the remote directory “/remote/dir”, you would use the following command:

rsync -avz /local/dir/

You can also use the -e option to specify the ssh command that rsync should use to connect to the remote server:

rsync -avz -e "ssh -i /path/to/sshkey" /local/dir/

Keep in mind that the scp command only copies files, while rsync can also copy directories and has the ability to synchronize the remote and local directories.

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