How to set up MariaDB SSL and secure connections from clients

Here are the general steps to set up SSL for MariaDB and secure connections from clients:

  1. Generate a certificate and key: You can use the openssl tool to generate a self-signed certificate and key, or obtain a certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA).
  2. Configure MariaDB to use SSL: You need to specify the path to the certificate and key files in the MariaDB configuration file (my.cnf), and enable the ssl option.
  3. Test the SSL connection: You can use the mysql client to connect to the MariaDB server and verify that the connection is using SSL by checking the value of the ‘ssl_cipher’ status variable.
  4. Require SSL for clients: To force clients to connect using SSL, you can set the ‘require_secure_transport’ system variable to ‘ON’ in the MariaDB configuration file.
  5. Client SSL configuration: On the client side, you need to specify the path to the CA certificate file and specify the ‘–ssl-mode=REQUIRED’ option when connecting to the MariaDB server.

Note: For more detailed information, see the MariaDB documentation on SSL setup:

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