How to set up FreeBSD 12 VNET jail with ZFS

Here are the general steps to set up a VNET jail on FreeBSD 12 using ZFS:

  1. Create a ZFS dataset for the jail: zfs create -o mountpoint=/jails zpool/jails/jailname
  2. Create the jail with VNET enabled: jail -c name=jailname host.hostname=jailname vnet vnet.interface=igb0
  3. Install the base system in the jail: jail -m path=/jails/jailname name=jailname /usr/sbin/jail -i
  4. Configure the jail’s network settings:
  • Assign an IP address to the jail’s interface: ifconfig jailname inet up
  • Add a default route: route add default
  • Configure resolv.conf: echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
  1. Start the jail: jail -r jailname

Note: This is just a basic setup, and you may need to configure additional settings depending on your specific use case.

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