How to set and use sudo password for Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault allows you to encrypt sensitive data such as passwords, certificates, and keys, so that they can be stored safely in version control. To set a sudo password for Ansible Vault, you need to use the ansible-vault command as follows:

  1. Create an encrypted file:
ansible-vault create secret.yml
  1. Enter a password for the vault.
  2. Enter the sensitive data you want to encrypt in the file and save it.
  3. To use the password, you need to pass it to the playbook using --vault-password-file option or using the ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable. For example:
ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=.vault_pass.txt myplaybook.yml

It’s important to note that the password file should be kept secure and should not be stored in a public place like a version control system.


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