How To See Characteristics of File Systems on Linux or Unix

To see the characteristics of file systems on Linux or Unix, you can use the stat command. The stat command displays information about the file system status and attributes, such as the file type, access rights, timestamps, and other information.

For example, to see the characteristics of a file system, you would run the following command:

stat <filename>

Replace <filename> with the actual name of the file system you want to inspect.

You can also use the df command to view information about file system disk space usage. The df command shows the amount of disk space available and used on each file system.

For example, to see disk space usage information, you would run the following command:

df -h

The -h option shows the output in human-readable format, with sizes expressed in KB, MB, GB, etc.

You can also use the lsblk command to view information about block devices (disk drives and partitions) and their relationships. The lsblk command shows a tree-like view of the block devices and their properties, including file system type, size, and mount points.

For example, to see information about block devices, you would run the following command:


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