How to prepare FreeBSD server to be managed by Ansible tool

Here are the steps to prepare a FreeBSD server for management with Ansible:

  1. Install Python: Ansible requires Python to be installed on the managed servers, so make sure Python is installed on the FreeBSD server. If not, install it with the following command:
    pkg install python
  2. Install OpenSSH: Ansible uses SSH to connect to the managed servers, so you’ll need to install OpenSSH on the FreeBSD server. You can install it with the following command:
    pkg install openssh-server
  3. Configure SSH: Ensure that the SSH server is configured to allow connections from the Ansible control machine. You can edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to make any necessary changes.
  4. Create a User: It’s recommended to use a non-root user to manage the server with Ansible, so create a user on the FreeBSD server for this purpose.
  5. Add the Server to Ansible Inventory: Add the FreeBSD server to the Ansible inventory file on the Ansible control machine. The inventory file is usually located at /etc/ansible/hosts.
  6. Test Connection: Test the connection from the Ansible control machine to the FreeBSD server using the following command:
    ansible -m ping <hostname or IP address of FreeBSD server>
  7. Run Playbook: Once the connection is established, you can run Ansible playbooks on the FreeBSD server to manage it.

These are the basic steps to prepare a FreeBSD server for management with Ansible. Note that the exact steps may vary depending on your specific use case and configuration.

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