How to live patch Ubuntu Linux Kernel without rebooting the server

To live patch the Ubuntu Linux Kernel without rebooting the server, you can use a tool called “Kpatch”. Kpatch is a dynamic live-patching system that allows you to apply kernel patches without the need for a reboot. It works by patching individual functions in the running kernel, rather than applying a full patch to the entire kernel.

Here’s the general process for using Kpatch:

  1. Install Kpatch: You can install Kpatch on Ubuntu by running the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install kpatch
  1. Download the patch file: You can find the patch file for your specific version of the Linux Kernel on the Kpatch website.
  2. Apply the patch: Once you have the patch file, you can apply it using the following command:
sudo kpatch load [patch file]
  1. Verify the patch: You can verify the patch has been applied by checking the list of patches loaded by Kpatch:
sudo kpatch list

Please note that Kpatch is not an officially supported tool by Ubuntu and its usage is at your own risk. Make sure to thoroughly test the patch in a non-production environment before applying it to a production server.

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