how to Linux / Unix: Tarball Delete ( remove ) File

In Linux and UNIX, there are several ways to empty a directory:

  1. Using the rm command:
rm -rf /path/to/directory/*

This command will remove all files and subdirectories in the specified directory, but it will not remove the directory itself.

  1. Using the find command:
find /path/to/directory -mindepth 1 -delete

This command will recursively search the specified directory and remove all files and subdirectories, but it will not remove the directory itself.

  1. Using the rsync command:
rsync -av --delete --exclude={"/path/to/directory/"} /path/to/empty/directory/ /path/to/directory/

This command will synchronize the contents of the empty directory with the directory you want to empty, but it will delete the contents of the directory instead of copying them.

  1. Using the truncate command:
truncate -s 0 /path/to/directory/*

This command will truncate the size of all files in the directory to 0, effectively emptying the files but not removing them

Please note that the rm -rf command is dangerous if not used with care, as it will delete the directory and all of its contents without any confirmation. Also, before running any of the above command please make sure that you’re pointing to the correct directory as you may lose important data.

It is recommended to use these commands with caution, and to always double-check the directory path before running the command.

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