How To Join Several Partition Together To Form a Single Larger One On a Linux Using mhddfs

Here are the steps to join several partitions together to form a single larger one on a Linux using mhddfs:

  1. Install mhddfs:
    sudo apt-get install mhddfs
  2. Create a directory to mount the combined partitions:
    sudo mkdir /mnt/combined
  3. Mount the partitions using mhddfs:
    sudo mhddfs /path/to/partition1,/path/to/partition2 /mnt/combined

Note: Replace /path/to/partition1 and /path/to/partition2 with the actual paths to your partitions.

  1. Verify the combined partition by checking its size:
    df -h /mnt/combined
  2. Add the following line to the /etc/fstab file to mount the combined partition automatically at boot:
    mhddfs#/path/to/partition1,/path/to/partition2 /mnt/combined fuse rw,user,allow_other 0 0

Note: Make sure to replace /path/to/partition1 and /path/to/partition2 with the actual paths to your partitions.


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