How to install vnstat on Alpine Linux

vnStat is a command-line tool that can be used to monitor and track network traffic on Alpine Linux. You can install vnStat on Alpine Linux using the package manager apk.

  1. To install vnStat, you need to run the following command:
apk add vnstat
  1. To start the vnStat daemon and make it start automatically at boot time, you can use the following command:
rc-service vnstat start
rc-update add vnstat
  1. To check the network traffic statistics, you can run the command:
  1. To check the statistics for a specific interface, you can use the -i option followed by the interface name. For example:
vnstat -i eth0
  1. To see all the available options and usage of vnStat, you can run the command:
vnstat --help
  1. To update vnStat to the latest version, you can use the command:
apk update vnstat

It is important to note that vnStat will not start collecting statistics until it has been running for at least one hour and that vnStat stores statistics in a database which is created in /var/lib/vnstat. Also, vnStat will not show statistics for interfaces that are not up and running.

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