How to install memcached on OpenSUSE / SUSE Linux

Memcached is a distributed caching system that can be used to speed up web applications by caching data in memory. Here is how you can install Memcached on OpenSUSE/SUSE Linux:

  1. Install the memcached package using the zypper package manager:
sudo zypper install memcached
  1. Start the memcached service:
sudo systemctl start memcached
  1. Enable the memcached service to start automatically at boot time:
sudo systemctl enable memcached

You can check the status of the service by running:

sudo systemctl status memcached

You can also configure the service by editing the file /etc/sysconfig/memcached. You can change the default configuration options like IP address to listen, port number, max memory, etc.

Memcached also comes with a command-line tool memcached-tool, it can be used to check the status of the service, the amount of memory used, and the number of connections.

Please note that this is just a basic setup, in order to use it in production environment you should consider security and performance configurations. It’s always a good idea to check the Memcached website for the latest version and installation instructions.

Once Memcached is installed, you will need to configure your web application to use it. This typically involves adding a library or extension to your application that allows it to communicate with Memcached, and configuring the application to use Memcached as a caching backend.

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