How to install lftp on FreeBSD using the CLI

To install lftp on a FreeBSD system using the command line interface (CLI), you can use the pkg package manager.

  1. First, update the package index by running the following command:
sudo pkg update
  1. To install lftp, you can use the install command. This command will download and install the package and its dependencies:
sudo pkg install lftp
  1. After the installation, you can check the version of lftp by running the following command:
lftp --version
  1. You can also check if lftp is properly installed by trying to connect to a server using lftp command.
  1. You will be prompted for a username and password if the server requires authentication.

The pkg package manager uses binary packages, which can be faster to install and use than building from source code. The package manager keeps track of the installed packages and their versions, and can automatically handle dependencies.

You can also use the portmaster or portupgrade to install the package if you want to install the package from source and keep track of the dependencies.

sudo portmaster ftp/lftp


sudo portupgrade ftp/lftp

It’s important to note that the pkg is the default package manager in FreeBSD 11 and later versions, while portmaster and portupgrade are the package managers for previous versions of FreeBSD.

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