How to forcefully renew Let’s Encrypt certificate

To forcefully renew a Let’s Encrypt certificate, you will need to use the certbot command-line tool.

The basic command to renew a certificate is:

sudo certbot renew

This command will check all installed certificates and renew them if they are about to expire.

To forcefully renew a specific certificate, you can use the --force-renewal or --renew-by-default flag:

sudo certbot renew --force-renewal


sudo certbot renew --renew-by-default

You can also use --cert-name to specify which cert you want to renew:

sudo certbot renew --cert-name

It’s also good to check your web server configuration after renewing the certificate, because sometimes a renewed certificate may require additional configurations for your web server.

It’s important to note that Let’s Encrypt has a rate limiting policy, which means that you can only renew a certificate so many times in a given period. So it is recommended to check the certificate expiration date before renewing it.

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