The “bash: add-apt-repository: command not found” error occurs when the add-apt-repository command is not found on your Ubuntu or Debian Linux system. This command is used to add a PPA (Personal Package Archive) to your system, allowing you to install software from a specific repository.
To fix this error, you will need to install the software-properties-common package, which provides the add-apt-repository command. You can do this by running the following command:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
Alternatively, you can install the package python3-software-properties for python3, this package contains the add-apt-repository command.
sudo apt-get install python3-software-properties
Once the package is installed, you should be able to use the add-apt-repository command without issues.
Please note that before installing any package, it’s recommended to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong, and also to test the installation before applying it to your production environment.
Also, it’s worth noting that the add-apt-repository command is deprecated and it’s recommended to use apt-add-repository instead, this command is available on newer versions of Ubuntu and Debian.