How to find serial number of Lenovo laptop from Linux

To find the serial number of a Lenovo laptop from Linux, you can use the dmidecode tool. dmidecode is a tool for reading the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) table, which contains information about the system’s hardware components, including the serial number.

Here’s how to find the serial number of a Lenovo laptop from Linux:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command:
sudo dmidecode -t system | grep 'Serial Number'
  1. The output should display the serial number of your Lenovo laptop. Here’s an example output:
Serial Number: PB123456ABC

Note that the output of dmidecode may be different depending on the system and the information available in the SMBIOS table. Also, some systems may not have the serial number information available in the SMBIOS table, in which case dmidecode may not be able to retrieve the serial number.

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