How to find out zone information for given country on Linux or Unix

The zone information for a given country in a Linux or Unix system can be found using the “tzselect” command.

Here’s how to use it:

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command:
  1. Follow the prompts to select the country, and then select the appropriate city or time zone for that country.
  2. After making your selections, the tool will display the corresponding time zone string, which you can use to set your system’s time zone. For example:
  1. You can then set your system’s time zone by exporting the time zone string to the “TZ” environment variable, like this:
export TZ='America/New_York'
  1. You can also set the time zone permanently by updating the appropriate configuration file, such as “/etc/localtime”, to match the time zone string.

Note: The “tzselect” tool may not be available on all Linux or Unix systems. If it’s not available on your system, you can use other methods, such as manual configuration of the time zone settings, to find and set the correct time zone for your location.

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