How to find out AES-NI (Advanced Encryption) Enabled on Linux System

To find out if AES-NI (Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions) is enabled on a Linux system, you can use the following methods:

  1. Check the output of the lscpu command:
lscpu | grep "AES"

If AES-NI is enabled, the output should include the following lines:

  1. Check the contents of the /proc/cpuinfo file:
grep "aes" /proc/cpuinfo

If AES-NI is enabled, the output should include the following line:

flags : ... aes ...
  1. Check if the aesni_intel module is loaded:
lsmod | grep aesni_intel

If AES-NI is enabled, the output should include a line similar to the following:

aesni_intel 167936 0

If AES-NI is enabled, it means that your CPU supports hardware acceleration for encryption and decryption using the AES algorithm, which can improve the performance of encryption-related operations.

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