How to extract tar.xz files in Linux and unzip all files

The “tar” command is used to create and extract archive files in Linux.

To extract a tar.xz file, you would use the command “tar -xf [filename.tar.xz]”. The “-x” option tells tar to extract the archive, and the “-f” option tells it to use the following file as the archive to be extracted. So, in this case, it will extract the file named “filename.tar.xz”.

If you want to extract the files to a specific directory, you can use the command “tar -xf [filename.tar.xz] -C [directory]”. The “-C” option tells tar to change to the specified directory before starting the extraction.

The “xz” is a compression tool, it’s used to compress or decompress a file.tar.xz files are compressed tar archive. The xz command is used to uncompress the .xz files.

To unzip all files in the archive after extract, you can use the command “tar -xf [filename.tar.xz] –no-same-owner –no-same-permissions”. The “–no-same-owner” option tells tar to extract the files with the user and group ownership of the current user, rather than the ownership of the files in the archive. The “–no-same-permissions” option tells tar to extract the files with the permissions of the current user, rather than the permissions of the files in the archive.

So in short, the command “tar -xf [filename.tar.xz] –no-same-owner –no-same-permissions” is used to extract the tar.xz archive and make sure all the files have the right ownership and permissions as the current user.

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