How to enable TLS/SSL encryption with Glusterfs storage cluster on Linux

To enable TLS/SSL encryption with a GlusterFS storage cluster on Linux, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Generate a private key and a certificate signing request (CSR) for the GlusterFS server. You can use the openssl command line tool for this:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.csr
  1. Submit the CSR to a certificate authority (CA) for signing. The CA will return a signed certificate that you can use to encrypt traffic between clients and the GlusterFS server.
  2. Install the certificate and the private key on the GlusterFS server. The location of the certificate and the private key files is determined by the GlusterFS configuration file. By default, they are located in the /etc/ssl/glusterfs directory.
  3. Modify the GlusterFS configuration file, /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol, to specify the location of the certificate and the private key files. Add the following lines to the file:
option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on
option rpc-auth-require-secure off
option transport.socket.ssl-cert-depth 1
option transport.socket.ssl-cert-file /etc/ssl/glusterfs/server.crt
option transport.socket.ssl-key-file /etc/ssl/glusterfs/server.key
  1. Restart the GlusterFS service for the changes to take effect:
systemctl restart glusterd
  1. Repeat the steps 1 to 5 for each GlusterFS node in the cluster.

After completing these steps, the GlusterFS storage cluster will use TLS/SSL encryption to secure the communication between clients and the GlusterFS server. Note that you need to configure the clients to use the certificate signed by the same CA in order to establish a secure connection to the GlusterFS cluster.

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