How to delete and remove files on Arch Linux

To delete and remove files on Arch Linux, you can use the following methods:

  1. Using the rm command: The rm (remove) command is used to delete files and directories in Arch Linux. To delete a file, simply run the following command:

    rm file_name
  2. Using the rm -r command: The rm -r (remove recursively) command is used to delete directories and their contents in Arch Linux. To delete a directory, run the following command:

    rm -r directory_name
  3. Using the trash-cli command: trash-cli is a command-line interface to the trash can, which allows you to delete files and directories, and recover them if needed. To delete a file or directory using trash-cli, run the following command:

    trash-put file_or_directory_name

Note: Be cautious when using the rm and rm -r commands, as deleted files and directories cannot be recovered once they have been removed.

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