How to create RAID 10 – Striped Mirror Vdev ZPool On Ubuntu Linux

To create a RAID 10 (Striped Mirror Vdev ZPool) on Ubuntu Linux, you can use the zpool command line utility. Here’s the step-by-step process:

  1. Identify available disks: Before you create the RAID 10 array, you need to identify the available disks. You can use the lsblk command to list all the available block devices on your system:
# lsblk
  1. Partition the disks: Next, you need to partition the disks. You can use the fdisk utility to partition the disks. For example:
# fdisk /dev/sdb

Replace “/dev/sdb” with the device name of the disk you want to partition.

  1. Create the Zpool: After partitioning the disks, you can create the Zpool. For example:
# zpool create raid10 mirror /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 mirror /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1

This command creates a RAID 10 array with 4 disks: /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdc1, /dev/sdd1, and /dev/sde1.

  1. Verify the Zpool: You can verify the Zpool by running the following command:
# zpool status

This will show you the status of your Zpool, including the RAID level, the number of disks, and the capacity.

That’s it! You have now created a RAID 10 (Striped Mirror Vdev ZPool) on Ubuntu Linux. You can now use the Zpool as your root file system or for any other purpose.

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