How to configure wireless wake-on-lan for Linux WiFi card

To configure wake-on-LAN (WOL) for a Linux WiFi card, you need to make sure that the card supports WOL, and then enable WOL in the system’s BIOS and in the operating system.

Here are the general steps to configure WOL for a Linux WiFi card:

  1. Check if your WiFi card supports WOL:

    You can check if your WiFi card supports WOL by running the following command:

    $ ethtool [interface]

    Replace [interface] with the name of your WiFi card’s interface, such as wlan0. Look for the “Supports Wake-on:” line in the output. If it says “g” (for “magic packet”), then your WiFi card supports WOL.

    Note: If you don’t have the ethtool command installed, you can install it with your package manager, such as apt-get or yum.

  2. Enable WOL in the BIOS:

    Enter the system BIOS and look for the option to enable WOL. The exact location of this option may vary depending on your motherboard and BIOS version.

  3. Enable WOL in the operating system:

    You can use the ethtool command to enable WOL for your WiFi card. Run the following command:

    $ ethtool -s [interface] wol g

    Replace [interface] with the name of your WiFi card’s interface, such as wlan0. This will set the “wol” option to “g”, which enables WOL using magic packets.

  4. Configure the network manager:

    To make sure that WOL is enabled after a reboot, you need to configure the network manager to set the “wol” option whenever the interface is brought up. On most systems, you can add the following lines to a file in the /etc/network/interfaces.d directory:

    iface [interface] inet dhcp
    pre-up ethtool -s [interface] wol g

    Replace [interface] with the name of your WiFi card’s interface, such as wlan0. This will run the ethtool command whenever the network manager brings up the interface, which should enable WOL.

Note: The exact steps may vary depending on your operating system, network manager, and WiFi card. If you’re having trouble, you may need to consult the documentation or support resources for your specific setup.

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