How to configure AWS SES with Postfix MTA

To configure Amazon Web Services Simple Email Service (AWS SES) with Postfix Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) on a Linux server, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install and configure Postfix on your Linux server. You can refer to the official Postfix documentation for instructions on how to do this.
  2. Create an IAM user in AWS with the necessary permissions to send email using SES. Make sure to save the access key and secret key for this user.
  3. Install the AWS CLI on your Linux server. You can do this by running “sudo apt-get install awscli” (without the quotes) on Ubuntu or “sudo yum install awscli” (without the quotes) on Amazon Linux.
  4. Run “aws configure” in the terminal and enter the access key and secret key for the IAM user you created in step 2.
  5. Create a “sender” email address in AWS SES. This will be used as the “from” address in all emails sent through SES.
  6. Install the SES Transport for Postfix by running “sudo apt-get install ses-transport” on Ubuntu or “sudo yum install ses-transport” on Amazon Linux.
  7. Configure Postfix to use the SES Transport by adding the following line to your file:
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
  1. Create the transport file by running “sudo nano /etc/postfix/transport” and add the following line:
* SES:
  1. Run “sudo postmap /etc/postfix/transport” to create the hash table for the transport file.
  2. Restart Postfix by running “sudo service postfix restart”
  3. Test the SES configuration by sending a test email using the “sender” email address created in step 5.

Please note, the command may vary based on the distribution you’re using.

It’s also important to check your sending domain and email address are verified on AWS SES before you proceed to send an email.

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