How to compile and install Tarsnap on a Ubuntu/Debian Linux

To compile and install Tarsnap on an Ubuntu/Debian Linux system, follow these steps:

  1. Install dependencies: Tarsnap requires several libraries and tools to be installed on your system before you can compile and install it. To install these dependencies, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
  1. Download the Tarsnap source code: You can download the latest version of Tarsnap from the Tarsnap website (
  2. Extract the Tarsnap source code: Extract the Tarsnap source code from the archive you just downloaded:
tar xvf tarsnap-autoconf-<version>.tgz

Replace <version> with the actual version number.

  1. Configure and compile Tarsnap: Change to the directory containing the Tarsnap source code, and run the following commands to configure and compile Tarsnap:
cd tarsnap-autoconf-<version>
  1. Install Tarsnap: To install Tarsnap, run the following command:
sudo make install
  1. Verify the installation: To verify that Tarsnap has been installed, run the following command:
tarsnap --version

This should display the version of Tarsnap that is installed on your system.

With these steps, you should now have Tarsnap installed on your Ubuntu/Debian Linux system. You can now use Tarsnap to backup your data to the Tarsnap cloud.

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